About us
The origin...
We are a small family business originally from the commune of Ninhue (Itata Valley) 360 km from Santiago de Chile.
The family history related to the wine industry goes back more than 100 years when Pedro C. in 1835 bought the land without knowing the potential it had to harvest a variety that arrived with the Spanish Missionaries in the 16th century, where the current region of Ñuble was the ideal place to cultivate vines and thus begin to evangelize the “new world”.
Our centenary vines are planted in dry land, which means that they only receive water thanks to the rain.
For the first time we have decided to commercialize this wine, with the 2021 vintage being the first of many to come.
As a family we seek to position Cepa País in the place it should be, delivering directly to your table a wine made with love and dedication to carry out this beautiful project.

Resilience at its best
The winery and its history
Our winery is of noble construction with adobe walls and clay floor dating from the early twentieth century, has withstood several earthquakes, including the one in the nearby city of Chillan in 1939 and the strongest in the world recorded in Valdivia.
After a fire in 1958 the winery had structural damage to much of the structure, where the walls were the ones that remained standing and on them the roof was put back on, where the grandfather of the sixth generation had to sell two oxen, one to repair the roof and another to send to make the wine press that continues to operate today.
The 2010 earthquake on the coast of the current region of Ñuble, knocked down the corridors and parts of the south wall, but its foundations are still intact, and work is being done to recover this winery to 100%.
The birth of a new legend.
The new generation
There are 6 generations that have cultivated, harvested and cared for the family lands, with ancestral techniques to take maximum care of the quality of the grapes obtained.
The harvest was sold as kilos of grapes to other producers to make wine, but the seventh generation saw the potential of the harvest obtained year after year and after two years of planning decided to produce the first Viña Loncora wine.